The second edition of Chris Sanders‘ Practical Packet Analysis is about twice as large as the first edition and twice as useful.
I learned Wireshark in the traditional manner: got annoyed with tcpdump, installed Wireshark, and started poking menus and buttons until I got a result. Chapters 1-5 of PPA takes you through the important menus and buttons. There’s not much you can do to make descriptions of software options interesting, but Sanders demonstrates real-world uses as he goes along. Demonstrating how to use round-trip-time graphing with real data, for example, gives the buttons and menus relevance to our work. Chapters 6 and 7 cover a few basic network protocols, from ICMP to HTTP to social media logins and DHCP and so on, to ground you in what traffic should look like.
The really interesting part of the book is the second half. Starting in Chapter 8, Sanders dives into real-world problems and shows how to investigate them with Wireshark. He covers topics from difficult developers to network latency to security. What does a worm look like on the network? How about wireless?
The book organization invites me to keep it at hand for troubleshooting. The next time I investigate a slow network, I’ll turn to PPA2e chapter 9. And that’s perhaps the best praise I can offer on any technical book.
Practical Packet Analysis invites comparison with my own Network Flow Analysis. As you might guess, I consider network awareness skills absolutely vital for any network engineer. Where my work is about broad-scale network flows, however, Sanders’ work lets you dig deep into individual packets. Jitter, latency, loss, and all the details of protocol transactions are resistant to flow analysis, whereas packet analysis will lay them bare. I know my readers have already bought and devoured my book, but you really need to master both tools.
Plus, the author proceeds from Practical Packet Analysis are all being donated to the Rural Technology Fund. The narrator of NFA recommends using flow analysis to blackmail your coworker into washing and waxing your car. I am forced to conclude that Sanders is probably a better human being than I am.
Buy this book.
Disclaimer: No Starch Press also publishes books by yours truly. I have no problem calling them out if I disagree with them. Watch, I’ll demonstrate:
“Hey, guys, I really liked the color text boxes we did in PGP & GPG. I know they were more expensive than plain black and white pages, and I know that book sold fewer copies than anything else I’ve written, but it looked really cool. Why don’t we do that everywhere?”
OK, maybe that’s me being an entitled prima donna rather than disagreeing with them, but still, I wouldn’t write a positive review on a book I didn’t like.