BSDCan this week

BSDCan! Are you going? Why not? Sorry, that excuse isn’t good enough. Get there. I arrive Tuesday. I will be looking for you. Do not make me come looking.

As a result of BSDCan, as well as preparing to sell my house, various stuff has been delayed. If you’re waiting on me, I’ll get to you soon. Really.

The good news is, the house painting is finished. All that remains is to pack. While not fun, packing can be done in smaller chunks of time than painting. Hoping to get book writing back on track as a result.

OpenSSH: requiring keys, but allow passwords from some locations

Most of my OpenSSH servers now require public key authentication for users. On a few systems, however, I must allow remote access with password auth. I need SSH to allow password auth from those IP addresses and only those addresses, but still require public keys from other locations.

Do this with OpenSSH’s match keyword.

Start by configuring sshd for the most common case — in this case, requiring public key authentication. This requires only two changes to the default configuration:

ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no

sshd will now only allow authentication with public keys.

Now use the match keyword to set a different configuration for certain circumstances. Match will let you compare based on user, group, host (as in DNS hostname), or address. I don’t trust DNS for security, so I chose to match a configuration based on IP addresses. Here, I specifically enable password authentication for connections from selected IP addresses.

Match Address,
PasswordAuthentication yes

If the connection comes from either of the specified address ranges, the user can try to authenticate with a password. Otherwise, the user must use a public key.

I could have chosen to allow password authentication based on the incoming user, but that wouldn’t block the ongoing “Hail Mary” SSH-guessing attacks. Matching based on user or group would be useful for, say, allowing X11 forwarding. I can’t imagine why I would ever use a Match based on a hostname in DNS, but I concede it might be sensible in some very special circumstance.

One thing to note is that not all sshd_config options work in a Match block. ChallengeResponseAuthentication, for example, can only be set at the global level, so I didn’t activate it in this example. See the sshd_config man page for the list of usable configuration options.

“Network Flow Analysis” in Japanese

In yesterday’s mail, the Japanese translation of Network Flow Analysis:

NFA translation

I have two copies for Japanese-reading reviewers. I’d also like to add a link to the publisher’s page for the book, but the ASCII Web site defeated me. If you know enough Japanese to figure it out, I’d appreciate it.

Translations of my books fascinate me. That’s my name on the cover, but I don’t understand the alphabet, let alone the sentences. But recognizable English words are scattered throughout the text, including neologisms I created. (Doesn’t “neologism” sound more impressive than “words Lucas made up”?) A native English speaker would have no trouble with those neologisms, but I can’t imagine what a Japanese reader would make of them.

And there’s footnotes. The narrator of NFA uses the footnotes to suggest blackmail. I wonder how well that translates?

NFSv4 and UIDs on OpenSolaris and Ubuntu

NFS clients and servers negotiate to use the highest NFS version they both support. NFSv4 usually performs much better than NFSv3, but requires a little more setup. Here I get NFSv4 working between an OpenSolaris file server and a diskless Ubuntu client. In theory, a plain mount(8) gives us a NFSv4 mount.

# mount server:/data1/opennebula/on22 /mnt/

Use nfsstat -m to see what kind of mount they negotiated

# nfsstat -m
/mnt from server:/data1/opennebula/on22
Flags: rw,relatime,vers=4,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,port=0,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,minorversion=0,addr=

We have NFSv4, huzzah! Go look at the files.

# ls -lai /mnt/
total 12K
5 drwxr-xr-x 8 4294967294 4294967294 8 2011-04-19 11:50 .
3 drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 26 2011-03-17 10:22 ..
6 drwxr-xr-x 2 4294967294 4294967294 24 2011-04-19 11:50 bin
29 drwxr-xr-x 16 4294967294 4294967294 21 2011-04-19 11:50 etc
74 drwxr-xr-x 2 4294967294 4294967294 2 2011-04-19 11:50 include
75 drwxr-xr-x 7 4294967294 4294967294 7 2011-04-19 11:50 lib
296 drwxr-xr-x 5 4294967294 4294967294 5 2011-04-19 11:50 share
332 drwxr-xr-x 5 4294967294 4294967294 10 2011-04-19 11:50 var

A UID of 4294967294? That’s awesome. Wrong, but awesome. 4294967294 is -1 on a 64-bit system. Many modern Linuxish systems assign nobody and nogroup (the standard unprivileged NFS accounts) a UID and GID of -1. While my files are owned by uid 1003 on the server, and the client’s mount point is owned by uid 1003, NFSv4 defaults to mapping all UIDs to nobody. Use rpc.idmapd to map UIDs between systems. Go to /etc/default/nfs-common and enable idmapd.


Lower case seems to be required: I originally set this to YES and the process didn’t start.

Reboot the client, and the files are now owned by nobody. Well, at least that’s a legitimate system user, one originally created for NFS. The files are owned by UID 1003 on the server, however.

Here’s where NFSv4 gets interesting. In NFSv3 and earlier, file ownership over NFS is controlled by UID. Systems administrators worked hard to keep UIDs synchronized across their systems so that NFS permissions would be consistent. You can remap UIDs over NFS, of course, but maintaining those maps is vastly annoying.

NFSv4 maps file permissions by UIDs, but uses usernames for ACLs and ownership. Both must be correct, or common operations won’t work as expected. I have an OpenSolaris NFS server that contains lots of files for lots of diskless systems with lots of different usernames. Some of those usernames do not exist on the fileserver. While I keep user accounts in LDAP, I (mostly) don’t bother with system or program accounts. To share files over NFSv4, though, the accounts must exist on both client and server.

NFSv4 uses helper programs to map usernames and UIDs: nfsmapid on OpenSolaris, rpc.idmapd on Ubuntu, and nfsuserd on FreeBSD. (Please insert a screaming rant here: these are all basically the same program. Why, why, why change the name? We don’t give ping(8) different names even though it has completely different under-the-hood implementations on each program, do we? Sheesh.)

NFSv4 maps usernames within a domain, generally (but not necessarily) the machine’s domain name. If the NFSv4 client and server domain names doesn’t match, all the usernames will show up as “nobody.” OpenSolaris’ nfsmapid pulls the domain name from the machine’s domain name. I had to set the domain name on Ubuntu 10.10 in /etc/idmapd.conf.

NFSv4 now works in my environment.

Note that NFSv4 also has a variety of other changes. All exports are part of a single unified namespace. OpenSolaris handles that for you. If you use a different NFSv4 server, you might need to manage that namespace yourself. But that’ll be a topic for another post, when I get my FreeBSD/ZFS/iSCSI/NFSv4 server working.

Book Giveaway Contest

I have two copies of Network Flow Analysis that need good homes, so I’m having a contest.

The last time I gave books away, I wasn’t able to contact several people to give them their free book. If you enter, you MUST include a way for me to contact you. If you leave a link to a web page, the web page should say “Contact” somewhere on it.

The contest? In the comments below, suggest ways to give The Great Committer the honor and respect he deserves. The funnier, the better.

I will choose one winner in each of the two categories.

1) The most outrageous, hilarious, but impossible one
2) The funniest one that could actually be done at BSDCan 2011.

Yes, I’m trading books for cheap laughs. I need cheap laughs. You do, too. Spend two minutes to make me laugh out loud, and you could get a book.

Contest ends Friday, April 29, 2011.

Attending a Publishing Workshop

I’ll be in Portland, Oregon, from July 9-17, attending two consecutive Dean Wesley Smith workshops.

  • Pitches, Blurbs, Tags, and Promotions
  • How to Be a Publisher

    DWS is a successful novelist who is doing quite well self-publishing. Of course, he has years of authorial experience and an existing audience, but he also built Pulphouse Publishing back in the 80s. I’m delighted for the chance to drain those decades of accumulated experience from his brain. If you have any interest in publishing independently, check these out.

    As I’ve said before, I’m not dumping my publisher. But I do have ideas for nonfiction projects that aren’t suitable for them, and I’m seriously considering publishing novels independently.

    The worst part of the trip? DWS is a notorious night owl, on the West Coast. I’m a morning person, from the East Coast. These workshops are going to happen in the middle of my night. Ick.

    So, do I have any readers in Portland? Any BSD groups out there? Would it be worthwhile to try to schedule some sort of meetup? I expect I’ll be extremely busy, but I suspect that DWS’ workshops won’t start at the crack of dawn, and I must eat dinner some time.

  • awk and access.log

    I keep forgetting about the single quotes in this incantation. Writing it down won’t improve my memory, but I’ll know where to look it up.

    To see a field (e.g. referers) from Apache’s combined access.log:

    # cat /var/log/apache/logname | awk '($11 !~ /sitename|\-/) {print $11}'

    This strips out references from the site itself, plus entries with a – in the field. Mostly useful when testing anti-referer-spam stuff.

    mod_security2 and referer spam returns

    I just upgraded my Web server’s operating system and applications. As part of this, I upgraded to the latest mod_security rule set. I started with mod_security to block referer spam, but I’m also using it to block connections from blacklisted addresses. mod_security has a steep learning curve, and I’ve had to tweak my rules more than once.

    With these upgrades, my anti-referer-spam rules stopped working. Incoming requests with referer spam headers were logging to my access log and showing up in my reports. I asked on the mod-security-users mailing list, and was told that mod_security wasn’t supposed to work the way I was using it.

    I’m not sure why it worked. I don’t want to roll back my other upgrades. It’s time to reassess the problem.

    I can block referer spam with mod_rewrite, but that requires maintaining rewrite rules across a variety of other sites on my server, and integrating referer spam rules with the rewrite rules those servers need. That would quickly become ugly.

    I want the mod_security RBL functionality, and I intend to use some of its other functions later, so mod_security will stay on my server. Mod_security is big and complex, mainly because the real world is big and complex, and trying to debug my simple referer spam problem lead me towards some very complicated debugging. So I stepped back and thought, and decided to try an alternative approach.

    Apache has the ability to separate logs based on environment variables. Mod_security can set environment variables.

    I changed my mod_security rules like so:

    SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:REFERER "(?i:(porn))" deny,status:412,setenv:spam

    If a request contains a refering site that contains the case-insensitive string porn, the client will receive a 412 response. (I considered a 406 response, but my research says that 412 is most appropriate. mod_security will also set the environment variable spam to 1.

    On the Apache side, I changed my access log configuration:

    CustomLog "|/usr/local/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/mwl/mwl_spam_log.%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S 86400 -300" combined env=spam
    CustomLog "|/usr/local/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/mwl/mwl_access_log.%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S 86400 -300" combined env=!spam

    Apache checks the environment for every request before logging. If a log message has the environment variable spam, it is logged to the spam log. If that variable is not set, the request is logged to the regular access log.

    I think that in the long run, this setup will be easier to troubleshoot.

    WordPress LDAP auth on Ubuntu

    I support too many servers and applications to manage separate user databases for each. LDAP is a must. If an application can’t hook up to LDAP, I don’t want it. WordPress can be configured to use LDAP, and has several different LDAP plugins. I’ve had mixed results with PHP LDAP plugins. I usually find that having the application trust Apache’s authentication, and attaching Apache to LDAP, gives better results in my environment.

    Note that my WordPress installations usually have only one or two registered users. They are administrators. Most people cannot register. If you want to hook hundreds of LDAP users into WordPress, and manage them completely through LDAP, you’ll need to find an LDAP-specific plugin that meets your needs. In this environment, where I’m just looking for administrator password synchronization, it’s good enough.

    This particular Web server runs Ubuntu 10.04 with Apache and WordPress 3.1. To enable LDAP auth in Apache, run:

    # a2enmod authnz_ldap
    # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

    On the WordPress side, install for the HTTP Authentication plugin. This tells WordPress to trust the Web server’s authentication.

    WordPress won’t read a list of usernames from basic auth. You’ll need to create your users. (Again, this is for a couple of admin accounts, not for massive user databases.)

    WordPress protects its administrative directory, /wp-admin/, automatically redirecting requests to the page wp-login.php. For this plugin to work, we must require LDAP auth to the one file wp-login.php. Here’s the Apache configuration for the WordPress directory.

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Web Admins Only"
    AuthBasicProvider ldap
    AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,dc=com" STARTTLS
    AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid
    AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN off
    require ldap-group cn=wordpressadmins,ou=groups,dc=domain,dc=com

    Note that my LDAP servers do not require a LDAP login to validate a user. If yours do, you’ll need to add the username and password to this configuration.

    Restart Apache, open a new browser, go to the site, and hit the Login button. You should get an Apache login window. Enter your username and password, and you’ll reach the WordPress control panel.

    You’re now handing your LDAP username and password to WordPress. You do have WordPress available over SSL, don’t you? Configure Apache so that is also available as, and add the following near the top of wp-config.php.

    //we like SSL
    define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true);
    define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);

    WordPress will now pass user credentials and cookies over SSL.

    new personal Web site

    Over the last fifteen years or so, hand-coded HTML has transformed from “how it is done” to “a baroque eccentricity” to “an amusing peccadillo” to “what is WRONG with you, dude?”

    My personal Web site,, has now been updated. It’s as boring as ever, except for the awesome art. Let me know if you see any problems. Those of you who prefer the old version can see it at www-old, but I won’t update it again.