Two new stories and a novella

In May, I started slogging through my backlog of fiction to be published. I’m happy to announce two new stories and a novella. Click on the cover images for more details on each.

Forced to Talk ebook coverFirst, I finally leveraged my technology experience into my fiction. The result is, of course, a DevOps murder mystery story. I can’t say that Forced to Talk, Like, With Your Mouth is based on folks I know. But I can say that I know folks an awful lot like these folks.

Moonlight's ApplesThe story Moonlight’s Apples brings us Tough Biker Dude versus the Fairy Queen, in southwest Ontario. It’s not like any modern fairy tale you’ve read before.

Finally, I have a confession to make…

I’ve written a romance novella. With explosions, of course.

earthquake kitten kiss cover B

Earthquake Kitten Kiss is a spin-off from Butterfly Stomp Waltz, starring the most unlikely romance heroine ever, Liza Bradley.

In other fiction news: I tried to write a Montague Portal short story. It turned into a novella, and then grew into a novel. Hydrogen Sleets should be finished this month, and available August-ish. Then I finish another novel, git commit murder, and proceed to the next Butterfly book, Terrapin Sky Tango. After that it’s Immortal Clay book 3, tentatively titled Bones Like Water.

Reality check for “PAM Mastery.”

Two blog posts in one day, after a few weeks of silence? It happens. Weirder still, there will be another tomorrow. I’m asking for help from my tech book readers here.

Some things are such an integral part of my life that I can’t imagine others are unfamiliar with them. I’m considering using one of them for “PAM Mastery,” but I must consider that perhaps not everyone understands it. I don’t want to say what particular part of my life I’m talking about, as that would invalidate the test here.

So, with the following text, do you:

1) get the reference
2) if you do NOT get the reference, do you understand it anyway?

A chain of PAM controls don’t resemble the strict allow/deny syntax you’ll find in applications like packet filters, web servers, and other Access Control Lists. They’re more like a long-standing committee in a centuries-old educational institution steeped in tradition and ritual, where each member has an unusual name, baroque responsibilities, and unusual privileges.

This committee votes on authentication in a specified, stately order. Each member has specific ways they can vote. Perhaps the Archchancellor starts the vote, and can either say “yes” or reject the whole proposal before anyone else gets a chance. The Dean can vote “no comment” or “no,” but doesn’t actually get to vote in favor of anything. The Senior Wrangler can vote either “no” or “yes, so long as nobody else objects.” If voting reaches as far as the Lecturer in Recent Runes he can either stay silent or declare, “yes, dang it, and the vote’s over, I win!”

Meanwhile, the Librarian has a seat at the table but can only take notes.

BSDCan Intro Session Volunteers Wanted

A person’s first visit to a particular tech con can be overwhelming. BSDCan is now having an introductory session for new attendees, to try to ease them into the event. Somehow, I’m running it.

From 6-9 PM on Thursday night I’ll be in DMS 1160 to greet new BSDCan attendees and discuss how the conference runs with folks new to BSDCan.

I would really like someone from each of the BSD projects to help me ease new attendees into the con. Ideally I’d be able to say “Oh, you want FreeBSD? Let me introduce you to Fred, he’s a FreeBSD guy,” or OpenBSD, or whatever project they’re interested in.

This will be pretty informal. I plan to order carryout and hang out.

The event concludes at 9 PM, leaving time for a gelato run, of course.

In my mind, new attendees need to know about:

  • breakfast and lunch
  • harassment policy (Abusing other convention goers will really tick me off. And I’m on the BSDCan committee, so I take that seriously.)
  • Opening and closing sessions
  • The closing auction
  • Presumably, they’ve read the talks schedule before registering–but if not, we’ll have it.
  • BSDA testing–they’re probably not prepared to take it, but maybe next year?
  • evening open events, like the Royal Oak, the Hacker Lounge, and the FreeBSD Doc Sprint

Can you think of anything else I should add to this list?

Books for “FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS” print sponsors

I return from my literary forced death march writing class in Oregon to find this.


Which I have partially transformed into gifts for the folks who were kind enough to sponsor FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS.


I’m heading for the post office now, to relieve myself of the responsibility for these.

Mind you, one of these gets delivered to Perry, Michigan, about a 90 minute drive away. It did occur to me to drive up there and hand-deliver the book. But that a) is stalkery, and b) uses up time I need to finish preparing for the Lucas track at Penguicon this weekend.

Penguicon 2016 Lucas Track Schedule

While the folks at Penguicon reserve the right to change the schedule at any time, we’re close enough to the con that I’m comfortable releasing my talks and panel schedule. This is extracted from the official Penguicon descriptions. and schedule.

Friday, 30 29 April:

6 PM – Social Media for Writers (panelist) – Hamlin
What social media trends does a writer building their web footprint need to understand? What are some Dos and Don’ts?

8 PM – PAM: You’re Doing It Wrong (speaker) – Windover
PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules, is one of the most occult parts of managing Unixish systems. The unique configuration syntax and idiosyncratic rule processing drives many sysadmins to copy working configurations from other people and random blog posts. This talk takes you through the essentials of PAM configuration, You’ll learn the components of PAM, how PAM processes rules, how to use multi-factor authentication, and get an overview of some useful PAM modules you probably haven’t used, based on my forthcoming book “PAM Mastery.”

10 PM – the ZFS File System (speaker) – Windover
ZFS, the Zettabyte File System, is one of the most full-featured filesystems available today and gives almost unlimited storage flexibility. Originally created by Sun Microsystems, the independent entity OpenZFS now develops ZFS as deployed in illumos, Linux, and FreeBSD. This talk takes you through ZFS’ features, including: data self-healing, deduplication and compression, clones and snapshots, copy-on-write, boot environments, replication, and more. Once you use ZFS, you’ll never understand how you lived without it.

Saturday, 1 May 31 April:

11 AM – Networking for Systems Administrators (speaker) – Windover
Too many organizations have a tense relationship between the network folks and the sysadmins. Sometimes it degenerates just short of war. But basic networking isn’t hard–if it was, network engineers couldn’t do it. This talk teaches the essentials, in a way that lets sysadmins troubleshoot network problems on their own. Sysadmins have amazing visibility into the network, once they know how to use it. We’ll cover cross-platform tools for viewing and troubleshooting the network, on both Windows and Unix.

4 PM – Encrypted Backups with Tarsnap (speaker) – Windover
Online backup is incredibly useful, but has many privacy and integrity risks. Tarsnap is an online backup service that only handles your data in encrypted form. It’s inexpensive and reliable. Plus you don’t need to trust the Tarsnap service–they can’t access your backups even if they want to. And Tarsnap’s built-in deduplication saves space, letting you store terabytes of backups in mere gigabytes of disk. This talk takes you through using Tarsnap, from backing up a system to customizing and rotating backups, to fully restoring them.

5 PM – Acts of Shameless Self-Promotion (panelist) – Portage Auditorium
What’s the best way to get your name forward?

7 PM – reading (speaker) – Writer’s Block (313 & 315)
My first ever fiction reading: my datacenter crime story “Wifi and Romex” I’m sharing this hour with Ken MacGregor. Don’t know which half I’ll get.

Sunday, 2 1 May:

10 AM: Self-Publishing 2016 (panelist) – EMC 1
This panel discusses today’s self-publishing options and business models. Our panelists include authors who are both self- and traditionally published, in fiction and nonfiction, including people who are making an income entirely by self-publishing. We’ll discuss why we made the choice to self-publish, the pitfalls and lessons learned, and which business choices we’ve made on our respective self-publishing efforts.

12 PM: BSD Operating Systems in 2016 (speaker) – Windover Charlevoix B
The BSD family of Unix has a been kicking around for almost 40 years now, and have taken different paths than Linux. Come see the last year’s developments in BSD land! One of them just might solve your intractable problem. We’ll talk about new things from FreeBSD, OpenBSD, plus updates from NetBSD, Dragonfly, and assorted derivatives.

2 PM: Senior Sysadmins Panel – Windover
Some say systems administration is a young man’s game, and that eventually sysadmins rise into management. They’re wrong. A sysadmin who measures their experience in decades has made mistakes younger sysadmins can’t even imagine. This panel lets you learn from their suffering, take advantage of their experience, and laugh at their pain.

I’ll have print books at all of my tech talks, including the brand-new FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS. You’ll be able to find my novels up in the Writer’s Block, rooms 313 & 315.

I’ll be kicking around the con the rest of the weekend, except for probably a lunch break Saturday. (Anyone interested in pho?) I’m not making a firm schedule for the rest of the time, but you’ll have a pretty decent chance at finding me at any of these events.

Friday 4 PM: LN2 Welcome Back Ice Cream
Friday 11 PM: LN2 After Hours Ice Cream
Saturday 3 PM: LN2 Guest Flavors Ice Cream
Saturday 11 PM: LN2 After Hours Ice Cream
Sunday 11 AM: LN2 Sunday Brunch Ice Cream

“FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS” sponsor check

(I wrote sponsors an email with this information earlier, but email is not exactly reliable, so I’m posting it here as well.)

The good news: the book is almost here!

I’m greatly touched by how many people offered their support. The least I can do is verify that I’m spelling your name correctly.

Here’s the sponsor list, as well as my notes on any instructions you sent with your sponsorship. Please double-check that I:

  • used the desired name
  • spelled your name correctly (especially any non-US characters!)

I would appreciate a response, even if it’s “everything looks OK.”

If you have any additional requests, such as signing the book to someone other than yourself, this is the time to tell me.

The final ebooks should be in your account next week. Print books should ship the last week of the month, if everything goes well.

Thanks again, for everything.

Book Bundles

It’s been a really busy month. FreeBSD Mastery: Specialty Filesystems came out, as did my BSDNow interview about it. About a month ago I released my new crime novel, Butterfly Waltz Stomp. And the new Immortal Clay novel, Kipuka Blues, officially landed yesterday. I’d planned to blog about the novel release, but Wayne County decided that they needed me to spend the day in the Juror Lounge, waiting for my name to be called so an attorney could look at me and say “Oh, hell no, get out of here.”

But I’m not going to write about any of that.

Instead, I’m going to talk about bundling. Specifically, book bundling.

A book bundle is where a bunch of authors to combine one of their books in a single package. The books share a theme, and the authors are similar enough that each reader’s fans will probably enjoy the others work.

And bundles are cheap. You can get, say, five books for $5, and twelve books for $12.

Anyone can do a bundle, but you really can judge a bundle by the quality of its authors. A bundle starring Yawny McBlech and Tedium Snores isn’t exactly impressive.

Being in a bundle with authors like, say, Michael Stackpole means your work has a certain level of quality. I mean, Stackpole wrote the book that will become the first standalone Star Wars film. That would be cool. I mean, they don’t let just any yahoo write Star Wars. You have to be a very special yahoo.

Or Kris Rusch, who’s written a slew of excellent, enjoyable, and award-winning novels. Plus, she’s won separate Hugo awards for both her fiction and her editing. If you get to hang out with her, you’re in good shape.

Chilling with Dean Wesley Smith, who’s been on the USA Today best-seller list so often that he’s lost count, is probably a good sign.

You don’t have to hang with award winners to be okay, though. There’s people like Anthea Sharp and Mindy Klasky, who aren’t as well-known as Stackpole or Rusch or Smith, but have made their own marks on the best-seller lists.

And authors like Leah Cutter and Blaze Ward and Sherry D Ramsey and Daniel Keys Moran have been around long enough to build a trajectory. That trajectory: is up.

These are the people you want to be bundled with.

And… apparently… me.

In the Middlings Sampler, I got invited to hang out with the cool kids.

The Middlings Bundle is stuff that isn’t quite one thing or the other. The tales are too long to be short stories, but too short to be novels. They’re maybe SF, or fantasy, or some weird thing in between.

And they’re all set in between things. Heaven and Hell. Earth and Fairyland. Planets and stars. Or, in my case, neutronium and nonexistence.

This is a “pay what you think it’s worth” bundle. For a paltry $5, you get:

  • How to Babysit a Changeling by Anthea Sharp
  • Forever Falls by Michael Warren Lucas (me! me! me!)
  • As Needed by Michael A. Stackpole
  • Heaven Painted as a Cop Car by Dean Wesley Smith
  • Siren by Blaze Ward

For a mere $12 you’ll get:

  • Fly Me to the Moon by Mindy Klasky
  • Walking Gods by Leah Cutter
  • The Possession of Paavo Deshin by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  • Waiting to Fly by Sherry D. Ramsey
  • Old Man by Daniel Keys Moran
  • A coupon for two free books from Kobo: Collateral Damage by Mark Leslie, and A Bird in the Hand by Douglas Smith

Go check out the Middlings Sampler.

Some questions and answers on the bundle.

Q: How did you get to be part of this?
A: Either I plied Cutter with strong liquor until she succumbed to my pleas for inclusion, or she suffered an astonishing lapse of judgment and invited me. Your choice.

Q: Why push this, instead of your brand-new novel?
A: I’m going to push the novel. Soon. But the Middlings Sampler has an expiration date. Get it by the 25th of April… or NEVER.

Q: Twelve books for $12 doesn’t sound like much. Gimme something else.
A: All right, fine. Ten percent of the proceeds go to support the Washington Talking Books and Braille Library. You need to select that option at checkout, though.

Q: Really, why should I take a look?
A: Because if you don’t at least peek at the Middlings Sampler, the cool kids won’t want to hang out with me any more. And I’ll get really depressed and isolative. More depressed and isolative, I mean. Yes, there’s room for me to be more of both. Really.

Q: If I pay what I think it’s worth, I have to pay more than $12. Can I do that?
A: Yep. There is no upper limit on how much money you can give us.

Q: The Middlings Sampler launched the same day as Kipuka Blues. How did you cope with a bundle coming out on new novel day?
A: I went to jury duty. Where I was not allowed electronics, or anything battery-powered, or dental floss. The fact that they did not have to clean my brain off the ceiling was a miracle.

Q: Seriously, though: what about the new novel?
A: Kipuka Blues. The sequel to Immortal Clay. It’s a play off of Invasion of the Body Snatchers or The Thing, set after we lose. We are the pod people. I’ll post more about KBlater, once there’s a review somewhere or there’s a hint that someone actually read the dang thing.

So, in the Middlings Sampler. I’m hanging out with people who write Star Wars! That is totally cool, although I do have to say, Star Trek is better. No, wait–Smith and Rusch both wrote Star Trek as well.

For this one glorious moment, I am a mere two degrees of separation from the absolute pinnacle of Western civilization. I could fall forever from here…