At Penguicon this weekend

I’m a guest of honor at Penguicon this weekend. I’ll be doing a one-hour talk on technology publishing in 2013. I’ll also be inventing an ice cream flavor.

Other guests include author Jim C Hines, chef and author Jeff Potter, Arduino and Raspberry pi guru & author Maik Schmidt, hackerspace advocate and censorship activist Nick Farr, plus author and filmmaker Jason Denzel.

Whenever I go to this type of con, I usually take in a few panels, see some cool demos, and spend a good chunk of time hanging out in the bar or lobby, wondering who all these people are. If you’re in the Detroit area, come by and say hello.

I will also have hard copies of Absolute OpenBSD for sale at $50 each. Amazon doesn’t have them yet. No Starch doesn’t have them yet. But I have them. Cash and PayPal accepted — I had hoped to take credit cards, but the PayPal credit card app doesn’t like my knockoff Android tablet. But by showing up, you can get the book you’ve been demanding for four years now.

And now that I’m a guest, maybe the cool kids will let me hang with them. But probably not.

“DNSSEC Mastery” now complete, ebook version available!

You can now get the complete DNSSEC Mastery: Securing the Domain Name System with BIND at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and my personal ebookstore. It should (hopefully) trickle through to iTunes & such before long.

This book was a real education to write. Hopefully it will help improve the state of DNS security across the industry. Various DNS experts have expressed approval of the book, and here’s hoping that the wider world will as well.

The book has now gone on to physical production. Hopefully I will have a proof by BSDCan. We might even auction it off at the end of the con, as the OpenBSD auction did so well.

Review copies are available for folks who regularly review books.

If you should find an error in the ebook, please let me know. Converting an OpenOffice document to umpteen different formats for an incredibly wide variety of devices has its risks. I no longer have a PalmPilot to test that format, for example, and I have a specific model of Kindle that’s probably not the same as yours.

Thanks to everyone for their support.

“Absolute OpenBSD” auction winner

The final total on the Absolute OpenBSD first copy auction was: $1145. The lucky (for various interpretations of lucky) winner is Bill Allaire, long-time OpenBSD supporter.

Bill has already sent Austin the money, which is winging its way to the OpenBSD Foundation as I write this. So he’s lived up to his end of the bargain.

I’m not going to ship him the book when it’s printed, however. Us writers are flaky and untrustworthy, and it’s time people realize and accept this. For another reason, though, there’s a small OpenBSD hackathon in Toronto at the end of May. I’ve been invited to come hang out on beer night.

I’m taking Bill’s book with me, so various OpenBSD developers can sign it and point out any errors. I’m sure they’ll also offer corrections and commentary because, well, you give a BSD developer a beer and he’ll tell you what he really thinks.

So, Bill not only gets the first copy off the press. He gets the most correct version. A book more awesome than anything anyone else will have. Don’t you wish you had outbid him?

“Absolute OpenBSD” auction clears $1000

Apparently double-dog daring you people works.

The Absolute OpenBSD Foundation auction is currently at $1035.

You have another day and a half to bid. Do so.

I’m delighted. And, as promised, I’ll have an ebook sale as a result. Probably during BSDCan.

This week has been maniacal for reasons completely outside of the new Absolute OpenBSD, but I should start to catch up on all the queued email, tweets, and whatnot next week.

First barrier breached

The Absolute OpenBSD auction has been going about 10 hours now. In less than those 10 hours, the price exceeded the amount raised for the FreeBSD Foundation.

Well done.

But I bet you slackers can’t possibly double it. No, I DOUBLE DOG-DARE YOU to double it.

How I love picking a fight in a good cause.

First copy of “Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd ed” now on auction

You’ve asked me how to get Absolute OpenBSD early.

The answer is simple. You buy it. At auction. All proceeds to the OpenBSD Foundation.

The printer will take the first copy of Absolute OpenBSD off the press and overnight it to me. I will sign it, and label it on the title page as the first copy. I will include a Certificate of Authenticity stating that this is the one true first copy off the press. I will ship this book anywhere in the world, as fast as reasonable, at a cost of up to $100. (If you win the bid and want it shipped to Antarctica, it will take a little longer.)

To reassure the security-minded among: I also promise that this is the only copy that I will sign and label as the first copy.

Being able to do this gives me warm fuzzies. It makes me look like a nice person without me doing any real work. After all, No Starch Press provided the physical book and Austin Hook is running the auction. I just have to scribble my name and stuff an envelope.

We did this for the first copy of Absolute FreeBSD, and raised $600 for the FreeBSD Foundation. Frankly, I expect you OpenBSD folks to beat that handily.

If you do not beat that amount, I will be disappointed in the community.

Do not disappoint me.

You wouldn’t like me when I’m disappointed.

DNSSEC Mastery release

I had hoped to get DNSSEC Mastery out before my trip next week. That’s not going to happen, thanks to the copyeditor. (And I do mean “thanks” in a completely non-sarcastic way.)

Most of her comments are easily fixable. But she goes into detail on one point that is utterly, completely, compellingly damning. “The thing I worry about is that while this book may be perfectly acceptable, if people open it up really eager to get some more good clean Lucas (strange people), then there’s not a lot of that there.”

All the knowledge is in there. But the writing needs more life.

I really wanted to have this book in print before BSDCan 2013. I tried to keep that deadline, despite my surprise appendectomy in January. I’ve felt kind of uneasy about this book, but it was technically finished, so I sent it on.

As I’m self-publishing, I both have the freedom to make the book correct and no excuse for not doing so. There’s no offset press scheduled for a feeding.

So, the book will be delayed a couple weeks. And it will be better for it.

And if you need a copyeditor who isn’t afraid to tell you in detail exactly why you suck, I have one.

Misc: Books, and April Fool’s

Absolute OpenBSD is at the printer. I can do nothing more on this book. For better or worse, the book is complete. I’m resisting the urge to scream “I can do it better! Give me the book back, I will rewrite it until it doesn’t suck!”

I got copyedits back on DNSSEC Mastery. Hopefully, the ebook will be available on the weekend, with print next month.

On an unrelated note

April 1st is a tedious day, with all the efforts to be funny drifting around the Internet. Unless, of course, you’re the one pulling the gag, in which case it’s freaking hilarious. I don’t pull pranks, of course.

Unless they’re really, REALLY good. So I’d like to present a flash from the past here, and point you at FretBSD.

And, of course, there’s always the Great Committer. You know, I haven’t spoken with John Baldwin much since that post. Odd, really…

Upcoming Appearances

For those who want the dubious pleasure of encountering me in meatspace:

I am a guest at Penguicon April 26-28, 2013, in Pontiac, MI, USA.

I am teaching at BSDCan, May 15-18, 2013, in Ottawa, Ontario, CA.

I expect to have copies of Absolute OpenBSD at both events. (Penguicon might be pushing it, but I’m hopeful.) I’ll sell them in person for $50USD. This is a little more expensive than buying them online, but you get hand delivery and possibly even a handshake depending on how many people have been poking at me in the recent past. Also, I hate carrying change.

Why do I sell books, instead of giving them away to all the fans who take the trouble to come see me? One, because I have to pay for them. Two, because mortgage.

LeanPub experiences, and my own ebook store

At the urging of Gerald Weinberg, I decided to try publishing my newest self-pub nonfiction book, DNSSEC Mastery, as I wrote it, using LeanPub. I offered the book at a discount for early adopters, with the intention of raising the price for the finished book. Those eager for my next book got an early peek and I got paid early.

Personally, I don’t know that I would buy a book early. But people have asked me for early access, and I do try to listen to my customers. So, what I would pay for isn’t exactly relevant.

One of the interesting features of LeanPub is that it lets readers overpay for books. You can have a minimum price and a suggested price, but a reader can give the author as much as they want. They also have a royalty calculator visible to the reader, so that the reader can see how much the author gets after LeanPub takes their (modest) cut.

Here are my results.

44 people bought DNSSEC Mastery via LeanPub.

Of those, 15 (34%) overpaid for the book.

  • 9 paid $10 (the final MSRP)
  • 1 paid $8.35
  • 1 paid $9.01
  • 1 paid $11.67 (so that the author royalty is $10)
  • 1 paid $15
  • 1 paid $22.78 (so that the author royalty is $20)
  • 1 paid $25 (they like me, they really like me)
  • For those who bought the early draft at all: thank you. To those of you who gave me a tip: thank you so much! For the person who paid $25 for the pre-pub manuscript: I’m deeply flattered, but I’m already married.

    The total for this experiment is: $356.47. Average pice paid was $9.5575, or almost MSRP.

    Not bad for a book that I haven’t actually finished.

    Sales appear to have been totally driven by my own blog posts and tweets. I’d post something, and a couple people bought.

    There’s one headache with LeanPub. Your book needs to be uploaded in Markdown, a text-to-HTML conversion tool. LeanPub takes the Markdown text and converts it to various ebook formats.

    The sales through LeanPub are nice, but nowhere near my sales for completed books from Amazon and Smashwords.

    That presents me with a problem. Amazon wants us independents to deliver ebooks as HTML files, which they then crunch into their format. Smashwords wants MS Word, but has recently started taking epub files as well. My books are highly formatted. The easiest way to produce these is to write in MS Word or LibreOffice and export HTML or convert to epub.

    There are tools to convert other formats to Markdown. They aren’t quite ready for prime time. LeanPub offers an HTML-to-Markdown converter, but they freely admit it’s not really meant for re-importing newer versions of the same document.

    The end result is, I spent several hours futzing with Markdown.

    I don’t want to learn another markup language. If ebook platforms were all about the technically best option, we’d all use LaTeX. But they’re not.

    My early LeanPub experience was profitable. But not overwhelmingly so. My fans like it. I like making early drafts available. But adding another step into my production is an annoyance, and that step uses a language not usable for any other ebook platform. Plus, the tools to do that transformation automatically are not yet reliable, at least for my highly formatted technical documents.

    But there’s obviously a market for early work.

    It did make me wonder: how hard would it be to sell early drafts on my own? And how much extra work would that be? The answer is: a week of bugging my fellow writers, two days of intermittent research, and four hours of technical setup.

    Tilted Windmill Press now has its own ebook store. You can buy SSH Mastery and the DNSSEC Mastery pre-pub draft directly from me. I produce PDF, mobi, and epub versions using pretty reliable tools.

    I’ll blog some other time about how I set up the store, but I can say: total cost to me, $0.00. Zip. Nada. I will be spending- money on some additional features, but you can get a fully working ecommerce solution for no money. (Admittedly, I leveraged my expertise, my free hosting access, and so on, but even if I had to pay for those, it would still be Pretty Durn Cheap.)

    The store is PayPal-only at the moment, but I suspect I’ll be adding other payment methods before long. And you can’t overpay. I’ll be adding that in the next few days because, well, if people want to give me money, who am I to argue?

    I’m publishing the LeanPub sales numbers now, because I’m splitting the market.

    This raises other possibilities. Would people be interested in pre-ordering print+ebook bundles of DNSSEC Mastery and other TWP titles? I could sell signed print copies of my other titles as well. (I can’t sell ebooks of my No Starch titles, as I don’t have the rights for that.) I couldn’t highly discount print titles, as I cannot compete with Amazon. They would crush me like a bug.

    Let me know your interests in in the comments below.

    [update: I should say that LeanPub works exactly as advertised. Their royalty rate is higher than any other ebook store, and my customers have all had good experiences there. Technical support was exactly as responsive as claimed. If their formatting works easily for your books, I would recommend them.]