Get the “Immortal Clay” sequel: Kipuka Blues

It’s taken far longer than it should have, but: you can now order the sequel to Immortal Clay, Kipuka Blues.

Due to the vagaries of indie publishing (discussed at the bottom of this post), the paperback version is available now. The ebook will be released on 5 April, but most readers can pre-order it now.

To my shock, more than one person has ordered the paperback. One of them picked up Immortal Clay in paper as well. Apparently the books are developing… fans. Fans who are unwilling to wait for the electronic version. Weird.

Anyway, you can find the book on pre-order at many of the usual suspects: Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon CA, Amazon AU, Amazon IT, Kobo. The iBooks pre-order has gone weirdly astray, and while I’m trying to get it fixed you just might have to wait until 5 April to order it.

The Kipuka Blues cover is based on me before my morning caffeine.

The obvious question is, why is the print book available before the ebook? Ebook release can be tightly scheduled, while the scheduling between my on-demand printer (CreateSpace) and the rest of the world is much more nebulous. I wanted enough time to receive a print proof, make corrections, get another proof, and get the book into stores. Weirdly, the first proofs came back… fine. No corrections needed. This means I was able to push the button and launch the print earlier.

kipuka blues in stackAs with the Mastery books, I’ve tried to make the Kipuka Blues a physical artifact worth owning. It’s by far the thickest book I’ve published, roughly twice the size of any FreeBSD Mastery book.

In a throwback to the 60s and 70s, the paperback edition is illustrated with black and white line art by the inimitable Brad McDevitt. (Actually, I tell a lie. Virgil Finlay could imitate Brad, but sadly Finlay died in 1971. With any other artist, this would be a guarantee that he’d quit working, but with Finlay I’m not quite comfortable guaranteeing that.)

Kipuka Blues interior illo 2

And here’s the cover from the print edition. It different from the ebook cover in that you can pick it up and hold it. You can get a better look at the art by going to one of the bookstores linked to above.

Kipuka Blues print

I’ll start writing IC3, tentatively titled Bones Like Water, as soon as I finish writing $ git commit murder. At an hour a day, it’ll probably be well under way before BSDCan.

Free short story: “Butterfly Stomp”

My social media followers are probably sick of hearing me babble about my new novel, Butterfly Stomp Waltz. But it’s relevant here.

Last fall, I attended a Kris Rusch writing workshop. One result was a heist crime short story. Many people liked it and wanted more. Kris’ comment was (paraphrased), “This is a fine story as it is, but really, it wants to be the start of a novel.”

So I wrote BSW. People seem to like it. Now I’ve put the original short story up as a freebie. It’s a modern heist crime tale.

50% John McClane

50% Robin Hood

100% trouble

Reeling from the death of her lover and partner, freelance “exfiltration specialist” Billie Carrie Salton breaks into a high-tech, high-security biotechnology firm to steal their sickle cell anemia cure and broadcast it to the world.

In, out, announce. Easy.

Except Salton’s life never works that smoothly…

You can get Butterfly Stomp at Kobo, iBooks, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon CA, and the myriad other national Amazon branches.

The cynical among you probably think that this is a marketing ploy, to get you to buy the novel. You wouldn’t be wrong. There’s a note at the end of the story that says “If you want more, get the novel!” But offering a small freebie is a good way to let people try your work. It’s why Costco gives away tastes of cheese and chocolate and fried calamari. And I don’t just want readers–I want customers. Repeat customers. That means making it easy for people who like the sort of thing I write to find my work.

I can attest that Costco’s cheese marketing plan works quite well, at least in my case. And I believe in learning from the greats.

50% TWP titles (and more) at

If you’re a Kobo user, I’ve got a heck of a deal for you. All of my Tilted Windmill Press titles, fiction and nonfiction, are available for half off with a coupon code. This includes books like FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS, SSH Mastery, and Immortal Clay, but excludes my No Starch titles like Absolute FreeBSD and Absolute OpenBSD.

It’s not just my books either. All self-published titles are eligible.

Here’s the coupon codes and eligible dates, by country.

October 28th – October 31st
Promo Code: CA50SALE

United States/Australia/New Zealand
October 27th – October 30th
Promo Code: GET50SALE

United Kingdom
October 30th – November 2nd
Promo Code: UK50SALE

September 2015 updates

I haven’t done a general update since June? Well, let’s give where things are at the end of September. Because it’s October, and for my whole career my status reports have always been behind, and I see no reason to change now.

FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS is underway. Right now it’s in Allan Jude’s capable hands, but Allan has this thing called a “day job.” Apparently when you’re the It should be out before the end of the year.

In the meantime I’m mining words for FreeBSD Mastery: Specialty Filesystems. It covers NFS, nullfs, NTFS, and even filesystems not beginning with N. (Can’t think of what those are offhand, but I’m sure there are some.)

Immortal Clay 2, or Kipuka Blues, is at the line editor. So I’m waiting on that.

I’m spending 60-90 minutes a day on a new project called “Butterfly Stomp Waltz.” This started as a short story but, well, things happened–mainly that the folks who read it demanded the rest of the story. (Those of you eager for the new nonfiction books: if I stop writing fiction, my tech writing speed plunges. So this is to your benefit too.)

I suspect the next tech books will be on PAM, then something on OpenBSD httpd/relayd. (I’d really like to see httpd ported to more operating systems before I do that book, though.) I do intend to head towards the FreeBSD jails book, but after spending a year on FreeBSD filesystems I feel a definite need to poke elsewhere for a while.

Two new stories

Here’s two short stories I’ve just put out. I had a complete blast writing these. I think you’ll enjoy reading them.

Spilled Mirovar

Spilled Mirovar
Spilled Mirovar

The modern year of 1927, and orcs still have to fight elven asshole bullshit.

Prohibition left exceptions for the church of Men, the Elvish sacraments, even the Dwarfish rituals. But the elves in Congress insist that orcs have no sacraments.

Without the Orcish draught, without the rites, Uruk-Tai’s fine strong boys might grow tall. They might earn respect.

But they will never be Orcs.

And Uruk will not let that happen…

Whisker Line

Whisker Line

Snatched from the tunnels beneath his war-shattered homeland, Aleksander has everything he could want. The kind and generous people of the amazing New York City gave him a home. A job. A new leg. Teeth. Even a face.

He lives the perfect life—until bombs explode in the glass skyscrapers.

The fine people of New York don’t understand war.

But Aleksander and his secret Family do…

June 2015 Updates

Yes, it’s July. But these updates are for June. Because I put off writing this post.

Initial reaction to “FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS” has been positive. I’m pleased that so many people like the book.

Work on “FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS” is underway. I want to get this book done soon. Soooon. Because I’m kind of sick of writing about a single filesystem. This book should be smaller than the first ZFS book, thankfully.

I’m spending an hour a day on the sequel to Immortal Clay, called “Kipuka Blues.” I expect to have a first draft finished in July.

I now have three Montague Portal stories available. The first one is free on all platforms now, as a loss leader. Not sure how well that will work–the market for short fiction is smaller than the long fiction market. My fiction page has links for various Amazon sites, iBooks, Kobo, and more.

If I want FM: AZ done soon, and I want KB done soon, why don’t I pick one and crank on it? Nonfiction pays the bills, so I can’t drop everything and work on fiction. If I only write tech stuff, though, the nonfiction words go dry. Writing fiction keeps the nonfiction spigot clear and flowing.

I’ve done 200,000 words of publishable writing in the first half of 2015. I’d like to make in an even half million for the year. That’s not ridiculous–if I maintained my January and February outputs for every month of the year, I’d hit a million words in 2015. We’ll see what happens.

And as far as my master plan for writing full time goes: it seems that the rebooted Star Trek gets a whole lot better about Season 3. The bald French dude is no Kirk, but he’s not all bad. I hear they did some followup series. I might check those out once I’m done.

Free novella at Amazon

My SF novella Forever Falls is free on Kindle through 11 May 2015 (next Monday).

This book is only available on Kindle right now — I’m trying their Kindle Select program, which supposedly gives additional visibility and promotion. It doesn’t seem to have helped so far. Come 3 June, when the Select enrollment runs out, I’ll have this piece on iBooks and Kobo and all the other ebook platforms.

But until 11 May 2015 the book is free, from all of the usual Amazon outlets.

  • Amazon US
  • Amazon UK
  • Amazon DE
  • Amazon CA
  • Web site rearrangement

    In case you’re reading this in reverse order in your RSS feeder: ignore the last couple of posts. It’s content I’m moving from my web page to the blog.

    I’ve redesigned and rearranged the fiction section of my web site, so that it more easily answers hard questions like “What have you written?” and “Do you write anything I might like?”

    The nonfiction section is OK, given how many tech books I’ve written. Hopefully the fiction section will now scale as well.