“SSH Mastery” now available in print direct from me

The headline kind of says it all, but it won’t let me put a link so I’ll repeat it. If you want SSH Mastery in print you can buy it from me. Unlike any other store, buy the print and you get the no-DRM ebook for free.

Thanks to the number of retail channels I use I have no ability to generate per-title book sales figures, but SSH Mastery is consistently near the top at most of the stores.

Print and ebook editions of all future Tilted Windmill Press titles will be available first through my store. Adding a backlist title is a few hours work, and a couple weeks of waiting to be sure that the printer does a good job. Yes, it’s a third printer. I’ll rant about why in March’s See the Sausage Being Made column, which I still owe my Patronizers.

Anyway, you can get a print/ebook bundle of SSH Mastery. It’s a mere eight years later than I wanted, but that’s tech for you.

If you want to know if I have a particular title in print, see my store’s print category.

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