Next tech book: Tarsnap Mastery

Now that “Networking for System Administrators” is out for review, it’s time for me to dive into my next tech project: Tarsnap Mastery. Tarsnap is an encrypted online backup service run by Colin Percival, retired FreeBSD Security Officer.

Colin has asked me to write some Tarsnap documentation for years. Now that I’ve moved my personal servers from hardware in my control to “the cloud,” I need a solid backup system. Tarsnap fits the bill nicely. If I have to deploy it and get everything nicely working correctly, I’d better document it before I forget it. Otherwise, I’ll be arguing with the software when I’m trying to restore my services after a disaster.

And if I have to document it, I might as well sell the documentation to you lot. Because if you need online backups, you want them to be encrypted, right?

Tarsnap has a decent user base, and it’s growing. Tarsnap runs on everything from Mac to Minix. Hopefully, there’s enough new users to support a book. Worst case, Tarsnap Mastery can’t do any worse than DNSSEC Mastery.

As I write the Tarsnap book, I’ll be prepping to write more books on FreeBSD storage. My goal is to finish the research for one book as I finish writing another, so that I can jump directly from one project to the next. Scheduling this is something of a pain, but it’ll improve with practice.

I’ve spent today reading the entirety of the Tarsnap-users mailing list archive, wrapping my head around typical user problems and Tarsnap’s rougher edges.

I now have a headache. I blame Colin.

“Networking for System Administrators” – Tech reviewers wanted

I’ve completed the manuscript for Networking for System Administrators. I’m now looking for a couple types of technical reviewers: people who know TCP/IP and networking, and people who are likely to read this book.

Normally I’d ask for feedback in a few weeks. But the holiday season is at our throats, and we all need to spend some time fending off the incoming pile of coal, so: I’d need your comments by 5 January 2015. If you can return it to me earlier, that’s fantastic.

If you’re interested in being a tech reviewer, please contact me via email at mwlucas at michael double-you lucas dot com, just like the domain name of my blog. (No, that’s not a literal double-you, it’s the letter w. Choke on that one, spam-bots!) Give me a sentence or two telling me what sort of reader you are and why you want to review this book.

You can read more about the tech review process at my tech reviewer information page. This is a little different because it’s a complete manuscript. Why review the whole manuscript at once? Because the Mastery books are short. At least, they’re supposed to be short (cough).

I have more detail about the book at the original announcement linked above, but here’s how the actual table of contents finished up:

0: The Problem
1: Network Layers
2: Ethernet
3: IPv4
4: IPv6
6: Viewing Network Connections
7: Network Testing Basics
8: the Domain Name System
9: Packet Sniffing
10: Creating Traffic
11: Server Packet Filtering
12: Tracing Problems

I expect the copyeditor to need a couple weeks with the manuscript. It should be available in print and ebook in late January.

“FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials” print available!

You can now get FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials in print on Amazon.

If you buy the print from Amazon, you can get the Kindle version for $2.99. Sadly, that’s the closest thing to a proper print/ebook combo I’ve been able to do.

For completeness’ sake: you can also buy it directly from my CreateSpace store. As sales go, that’s where I make the most money. It’s also the most expensive version. If you want to pay extra so I make more I won’t object, but I will suggest you avoid the middleman and go straight to me.

It will appear in places like Powell’s in the coming weeks.

Now to finish “Networking for Systems Administrators,” complete the design on the next tech book, finish the outline for the Immortal Clay sequel, and finish outlining the intertwined morass that is my next three FreeBSD Mastery books.

FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials at printer

Last night I received the print proofs of the new FreeBSD book.

fmse proofs

I found two errors: a missing tab in a footnote, and an extra page before the index. I’ve fixed those, double-checked the file, and sent it to the printer. It should be available in print in the next week.

I’ll have four copies at next week’s sudo talk at Show up and you might be able to bribe me to get a copy of one of these very exclusive rare, authentic, original, limited edition books.

I’m very happy with the look of the final print. The cover is spectacular. Tech book usually have bland covers, but I decided to try something a little different. I’ll have custom covers like this on at least two other books, FM: ZFS and FM: Specialty Filesystems. (And before you ask: no, no release date yet, except “2015.”)

Three books should give me enough data to see if there’s a return on investment for fancy illustrated covers on tech books. If the book doesn’t sell well enough, I’ll fall back to more traditional tech book covers based on photographs.

Book Review: Book of PF, 3rd Edition

No Starch Press was kind enough to send me a review copy of the new 3rd edition of Peter Hansteen’s Book of PF. The first two editions are the standard reference work on the OpenBSD packet filter, and this is a topic I’ve written about in some depth before, so I’m fully prepared to eviscerate Hansteen if he screwed up.

Third edition, huh? So how does this stack up?

Let’s get the obvious out of the way. All three editions have yellow covers, but the first edition had blue trim; the second edition, pumpkin; the third, a kind of fern green.

Once you open the cover, you find that the third edition works much like the earlier editions, starting with a simple packet filter setup and building upon it. Building upon success is perhaps the best education technique, and it fits the topic quite well.

Structurally, BoPF3 is very similar to the earlier editions. CARP and redundancy now gets its own chapter, which is a welcome addition.

The real meat of this book is in the examples, tutorials, and explanations. PF has changed since the second edition, notably with more flexible traffic management and some syntax changes. Not all BSDs have remained synchronized with OpenBSD’s PF, so he has the unenviable job of documenting the differences between OpenBSD, NetBSD, and FreeBSD. He’s done an excellent job of this by combining information where appropriate, but breaking out some topics by operating system. For example, if a topic needs a sysctl, he lists them for each operating system. When a topic requires more in-depth explanation, such as traffic prioritization, he breaks out OpenBSD’s new priority system into one section and FreeBSD/NetBSD’s older altq prioritization scheme in another. This makes it very easy to find what you’re looking for. This book teaches you how to use PF to filter packets just as well as a million dollar appliance, with more insight and control.

One impressive thing is that this book is very clear. Giving a section a title like “Things You Can Tweak and What You Probably Should Leave Alone” gives you very definite ideas about what’s in this part of the book. Hansteen explicitly describes how PF works. He also discusses what happens when the real world impacts your firewall. He hasn’t just got PF up and running in his lab: he actually uses this stuff in the real world, with all its malformed packets and stupid protocol implementations and worse protocols, and keeps services running despite all that.

Complaints with this edition?

As with the earlier editions, the footnotes contain actual facts. It’s like Hansteen wants you to be able to go look up actual sources to verify what he says, instead of requiring us to trust him. As a writer, I prefer assuming blind faith and unyielding obedience from my readers.

If you use PF on any platform, buy this book. You can get it from Amazon (of course), and also get a combined print/DRM-free ebook deal direct from No Starch Press.

This ends the actual review. But someone is going to ask a couple things in the comments, so I’m jumping ahead of them here.

First: my general thoughts on authors writing reviews.

Second: Why hasn’t FreeBSD imported the latest PF?

The FreeBSD and OpenBSD network stacks have massively diverged in the last twenty years. OpenBSD’s kernel uses the Big Giant Lock model. FreeBSD’s kernel is much more finely locked, and the network stack can be in multiple CPU cores simultaneously. Despite their common heritage and licenses, FreeBSD and OpenBSD are different operating systems. They have different use cases. They are designed for different uses. They target different hardware.

FreeBSD’s previous PF import required a lot of work to make it fit its network stack. The FreeBSD Foundation invested a fair chunk of change in thrashing PF in the network test cluster and on high-performance customers so that it didn’t slow down the network stack. (It’s not that OpenBSD is slow, it’s just designed differently than FreeBSD.)

A “new import” is not trivial.

FreeBSD has a flexible firewall system, however. A new PF could be imported as, say, pf56.ko, without impacting the older PF import. You could use mailwrapper-like functionality to transparently assign the proper userland programs to the PF version in use. This can be done.

Nobody has done the work.

I suggest you get coding.

Sudo talk at, 9 Dec 2014

I’ll be talking at in Farmington Hills, MI, on 9 December 2014.

The topic is Sudo: You’re Doing It Wrong. If you use sudo, you need to show up for this. Because you’re doing it wrong. It’s based on Sudo Mastery, as you might guess.

Come to They have cookies.

They usually record and show their talks, so if you can’t be bothered to go to Farmington Hills in December you can probably catch it on YouTube later. But it won’t be nearly as awesome.

Also, I’m planning to go to the IT in the D casual social event on 20 November 2014. I’m not speaking, just hanging out. Why?

Now that I’m a full time writer, this is my staff.
Tilted Windmill Press staff
They’re perfectly sociable, and definitely cuter than most of my previous co-workers, but they’re a little short in the techie conversation department.

So, yeah. Two chances to see me in the near future. No public appearances planned afterwards. I’ll be busy trying to teach my staff how to copyedit.

Next Project: “Networking for Sysadmins”

FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials is out for tech review. (If you’re reading the pre-pub book, you’ve got a few more days to get comments back to me.) I’ll then make the corrections and send it to copyediting.

So I’m writing another book.

The current title is Networking for System Administrators. (I’d like to work the word “Mastery” in there, but it sounds artificially kludged together, because it would be.) It’s a small book, readable in a couple hours.

I’ve worked in a whole bunch of IT organizations as both a system administrator and a network administrator. In most of them I get sucked into a bridge role because I can speak to both teams in their own language.

It’s hard to teach a network administrator to be a sysadmin. An enterprise often runs a dozen or more different operating system, and who knows how many variants of each. Plus, each team might configure their differently. “You need a password to sudo here, you need a Yubikey to log on here, you need a hole in the head to log on here…” oy vey! Asking a network administrator to learn all this is like asking a sysadmin to configure Cisco, RouterOS, and OpenBSD routers. It just isn’t going to happen.

But the basic principles of networking isn’t hard, and understanding basic networking can save the sysadmin so much time. A sysadmin who wants to learn networking is often referred to books like The TCP/IP Guide or TCP/IP Illustrated. These are awesome books, and some systems administrators (and all non-web app developers) need to read them. For the majority of sysadmins, they’re overkill. An enterprise database administrator who needs to understand TCP/IP window scaling to do his job should call his network administrator.

Instead, most sysadmins learn networking via occasional blog posts, Google searches, and oral tradition. This is a ghastly way to learn any technical topic.

The result? Calls the sysadmin doesn’t want to make and the network administrator doesn’t want to get.

  • “Did that firewall port ever get opened?”
  • “Is my server plugged into the right network?”
  • “What do you mean that service is broken, I can ping it?”
  • “That service isn’t working, I can’t ping it.”
  • “That UDP port isn’t open, I can’t telnet to it!”

    A knowledgeable sysadmin can quickly answer all of these questions for themselves without picking up the phone. And we wouldn’t be in IT if we wanted to talk on the phone.

    The table of contents so far is:

  • Introduction
  • Network layers — the bottom 4 layers, and troubleshooting pointers to later chapters
  • Ethernet
  • IPv4
  • IPv6
  • TCP/IP (protocols, ports, etc)
  • Active traffic (netstat)
  • DNS
  • Checking the Network (sending vs receiving)
  • tcpdump (what we receive)
  • netcat (what we send)
  • packet filtering for sysadmins
  • tracing problems (traceroute & mtr)

    This book also contains guidance on detecting an uneducated network administrator. “Filtering all ICMP, because ICMP is bad? Bzzzt!” I don’t put it in quite those terms, but… yeah. You at least need to know what you’re dealing with.

    Unlike my earlier Mastery books, the incomplete draft of this book will not be available for pre-order. Sales of books that I offer for pre-order are much lower than books I don’t offer pre-order on. Part of this is the topic–DNSSEC has less popular interest than SSH. But the sudo book is doing much less well than I expected, excluding a spike from the Slashdot review. (Reviews on sites like Slashdot help sales more than anything I’ve found.)

    From talking to other indie authors, it seems that an initial surge of sales strongly affects online bookstore’s algorithms. I say seems because most online bookstores do not make their algorithms public–they don’t want clever buggers like you telling me how to game their system.

    The only way for me to tell is to test it, however. I won’t be doing preorders for this book and the next FreeBSD Mastery title.

    I believe that many of my readers don’t need this book. I do hope that you’ll tell certain people you work with to read it, however. You know the ones I mean.

    More updates as events warrant. Or you can check Twitter for the hashtag #n4sa. (I’m not the only one with that hashtag, but it seems pretty rarely used, so I’ll claim it.)

  • “Storage Essentials” first draft complete!

    The first draft of FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials is now complete and available on the Tilted Windmill Press site.

    My target for a Mastery book is for it to be about 30K words. That seems a fair length for a $10 technology ebook. FMSE is 45K words, or about 50% more than that. At that price point, it’ll be a bargain. The print version will probably run more than the $20 I prefer, but we’ll see what happens.

    As it’s a complete draft, the price has been raised to $8.99. Once the book goes through technical review and I correct it, the price will go to its final $9.99. At that point, I’ll get it into Amazon, B&N, and so on, in both print and epub.

    So, what’s next?

    Next, I look at my pile of outlines and try to untangle them. I’m planning FreeBSD books on jails, on ZFS, specialty filesystems (which might or might not include network filesystems), and more. These topics are all terribly interrelated. As I’m now writing full time, I need to figure out the approach that makes the best use of my time and yet gives me the maximum amount of exposure to everything.

    I still intend to do a small OpenBSD book in the near future, but I’m still debating what that should be. I have high hopes for both OpenHTTPD and LibreSSL, but I want both projects to settle first. And I have a whole list of non-BSD books on my list as well.

    There’s also the possibility that the market will reject FMSE. If that happens, it will limit how many more FreeBSD Mastery books I do. I think that won’t happen–I expect the book to do well–but I never know. As I’m depending on books to pay my mortgage, I might have to make the hard decision to cancel the series. We’ll have to wait and see.

    Google Play notes

    A couple months ago, I put my Tilted Windmill Press books up on Google Play. I firmly believe that having your books widely available is a good thing. Google Play let me be DRM-free, and while their discounting system is a pain to work around, I’d like people to be able to get my books easily. I’ve sold six books through Google Play, which isn’t great but hey, it’s six readers I wouldn’t have otherwise.

    Amazon is overwhelmingly my biggest reseller. I get over 90% of my self-publishing income from them. They provide truly impressive analytical tools. While sites like Smashwords provide you with spreadsheets that you can dump into whatever analytics tools you want, Amazon gives you the spreadsheets and a bunch of graphs and charts and other cool stuff.

    This made it really obvious that a day after my books went live on Google Play, my Amazon sales plummeted by about a third and have remained there.

    This is weird. And I really would like my sales back up where they were.

    I can think of lots of explanations, most of them involving computer algorithms. No conspiracy is required here. I’m certain Amazon didn’t de-prioritize my books just because they’re available on Google Play. Book sales fluctuate naturally, and there usually is a dip during the summer. But the graphs (both Amazon’s and my own) makes it really clear that this is an unusual slump.

    As an experiment, I’ve disabled my books in Google Play. People who bought the book will still have access to it, but nobody can purchase it now.

    If my Amazon sales recover, the Google Play store will remain off. The few Play sales don’t make up for the lost Amazon sales.

    I will report back on the results. But, if you’re wondering where my Google Play store went, the answer is: away.