The constant stream of referrer spam isn’t sufficiently annoying; no, now worms constantly nibble at my WordPress install. I could avoid worrying about this by, say, having a third party host my content and control my work, but if I did that I’d get a punch on both my geek card and my writer card. And I still wouldn’t know who is linking to me. Some of the referral spam I get hits 10-15 times a day, flooding actual links.
Fortunately, Apache’s mod_security can help lock down my server. While you’ll find tutorials on using mod_security to stop referrer spam, mod_security can do much more. Here I’m installing mod_security on my FreeBSD server running Apache 2.2.
# cd /usr/ports/www/mod_security
# make all install clean
Look in /usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes afterwards. You’ll find the file mod_security2.conf and the directory mod_security2. Initially, mod_security is loaded into Apache but doesn’t block anything. Go into the mod_security2 directory and edit the main config file, modsecurity_crs_10_config.conf. Change the SecRuleEngine to On, and create a SecDataDir, like so:
SecRuleEngine On
SecDataDir /var/run/modsecurity
You’ll need to create the security data directory and make it writable by Apache. Then restart Apache.
# mkdir /var/run/modsecurity
# chown www:www /var/run/modsecurity
# apachectl restart
Now test your Web server, and verify that it still functions. Bad Web applications can trip over mod_security2. If your Web app fails, I’d suggest talking to the vendor about why your application doesn’t work securely.
If your site still works with mod_security2, you can start to block referrers that bug you. In the mod_security2 directory, create the file referer.conf for rules to block bogus referrers. The rule has this general syntax:
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:REFERER “REGEX” deny,log,status:500
mod_security will evaluate each incoming request by its header. If the referrer matches the regular expression in quotes, the browser will return a 500 error. The sample rules below show a small slice of the things I’m blocking.
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:REFERER “write\-a\-resume” deny,log,status:500
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:REFERER “wigmall” deny,log,status:500
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:REFERER “windowsphone” deny,log,status:500
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:REFERER “windows\-phone” deny,log,status:500
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:REFERER “zune” deny,log,status:500
It’s possible that this would block legitimate traffic, but I have a hard time imagining being linked from a weight loss or Windows Phone site. It’ll take a while to accumulate a list of suitable regexes for my site. And it’s a limited technique — I’m enumerating badness. But mod_security also protects me against the various WordPress worms, and it can also block traffic from addresses on an RBL. I’ll do that at a later date.
UPDATE: Your SecRule should not include the “log” keyword. See the later posting here.
UPDATE2: more here.
Or you could use something like Blogsum, written specifically to be more secure, and such much less than WordPress. Just sayin’.
suck, such, whatever. Blogsum does look interesting, I’ll play with it.