By somewhat popular demand (“popular” means “more than one person has asked for it,” right?), I’m now offering sponsorships on the OpenBSD httpd and relayd book.
Print sponsors get their name in the print and ebook versions of the book.
Ebook sponsors get their name in the electronic versions.
Sponsors can access the in-progress manuscript, updated whenever I get around to it. The version there now contains most of the httpd parts, as tech reviewed by Reyk.
I did well enough with the FreeBSD Mastery: Advanced ZFS sponsorships to cover the emergency replacement of a water heater. The PAM book had less interest, but I did okay. As this is a very specific book with a narrow audience, I’m not expecting very many sponsors.
Which means–if you sponsor it, your name will really stand out as an all-around awesome human being. Or corporation. Whichever.