I’ve gotten a few potential sponsors asking what Allan and I intend to put in the Advanced ZFS book. Here’s a tentative Table of Contents.
We may split, remix, slice, dice, fold, spindle, and mutilate this in the coming weeks.
0: Introduction
1: Boot Environments
2: Delegation and Jails
3: Sharing
4: Replication
5: zvols
6: Advanced Hardware
7: Caches
8: Performance
9: Tuning
10: ZFS Potpourri
I’m also looking for classic art to parody for the cover. Ideally, I’d like something where I could do another wraparound cover, as I had on FreeBSD Mastery: Specialty Filesystems. I’m very open to suggestions, which is a nice way of saying “I have no clue whatsoever.”
In the Boot Environment chapter, will you be including the changes coming up in either 10.3 or 11.0 regarding proper BE selection from the boot loader, even from encrypted disks?
Konstantin, we certainly intend to cover those. Allan is one of those writing that code, so presumably he knows how it works. 😉
Something like this? http://www.berzinsh.lv/images/big/rp0KehtNBRsshkvyOoBdf2mh7aXI5XUKOZYXRIT819kBSmfGqqIyRYkka7NOR88eThbVqJ0o.jpg
How about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bookworm
Maybe with a few BSD Daemon Librarians, shelving/cataloguing books, perhaps also a prim Daemon Librarian with horn rim glasses breaking the fourth wall and shushing the reader.
Or something similar with something such as: http://www.artnet.com/artists/johann-hamza/a-gentleman-reading-in-the-library-kSb9jM_hAfaD325y0xfXJQ2
John, that would be fun, but I’d never get it past Kirk. He’s got approval on any use of Beastie.
I could do something with that, thanks!
I was thinking of Beastie as Mickey Mouse dressed as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice (from Fantasia) commanding the broomsticks which spill over onto the back cover (representing replication). I don’t have a prototype, sorry – I’m just the ideas man.
You mean, parody the Mighty Disney Mouse?
Legal? Sure. But they’d still send their lawyers to chain me to a rock and eat my liver…