Mailing List Signups Fixed

I discovered today that my mailing list signup forms have been broken since last December. (Yes, I need to figure out how to monitor this.)

If you’ve tried to sign up to one of my announcement lists and couldn’t, I do apologize. If you still want to sign up, it actually works now! Nonfiction subscribers get a free tech book, fiction subscribers get a story or two a week for six weeks, and sponsors get left the heck alone until I want money for no good reason.

I only send mail for event announcements. New releases, bundles, sales, Kickstarters, that sort of thing. Basically, new excuses for you to give me money.

Or there’s the Everything list, where you get… uh, well, everything. It’s three smaller mailing lists in a trench coat.

Now back to work on the RYOMS Backers-Only Edition.

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