Here’s the cover rough for SSH Mastery, by my pet artist the highly talented Bradley K McDevitt. If you see anything wrong with it, please say so now.

Endlessly sus crime writer. Many of those crimes involve computers.
Here’s the cover rough for SSH Mastery, by my pet artist the highly talented Bradley K McDevitt. If you see anything wrong with it, please say so now.
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Some minor niggles:
* OpenSSH should be one word.
* I’d make ‘by’ in a slightly smaller typeface.
* I’d put the other book titles in a slightly different typeface or otherwise differentiate them.
* I’d let the SSH Mastery title stand by itself, without separating it with a colon.
Ah, also there should probably be a space between “W.” and “Lucas”.
or not.
also, I don’t believe “critically-acclaimed” is hyphenated, since “critically” ends in ly.
“Tilted Windmill”? Isn’t that a knight?
And maybe “Secure Tunnels”?
I keep thinking how your PGP book was mistitled, but I guess the audience is different too.
I think this cover isn’t as good as Absolute series covers.
Frankly this is horrible.
i agree it’s horrible,
don’t use a photo, you can do a “Cover Design Contests and Competitions”
Hi there. I’m putting in my 2 cents for what it’s worth. I really like the artwork, a whole bunch in fact, just not the font. I like the size of the font just not the font itself. It looks self-published to me. Not that self-publishing is bad, not at all. It just LOOKS self-published. Hope that helps.
I’m afraid I have to agree with the previous posters, it is horrible and not in the same class as the No Starch covers.
On a more constructive note maybe best to loose the photo and follow Royce’s typography suggestions. The Pufferfish is generally associated with you know what and not SSH; for me this sends a confusing message.
Well, fizzing pufferfish *is* associated just right. But I don’t like the font, colors and the photo either. “Pseudoitalics” are almost never a good idea. But I do like the Don Quixote logo.
> Well, fizzing pufferfish *is* associated just right.
My mistake, so it is. I wasn’t aware that the pufferfish is also used by OpenSSH and I immediately though of OpenBSD when I saw it.
One question.. Why you switched from No Starch?
I haven’t switched. This is an experiment.
Absolute OpenBSD 2nd Ed. will come out through NSP.