I will be at BSDCan 2012. In addition to poking my nose where it doesn’t belong, spouting insouciance and irrelevance, and derailing important technical discussions with tediously pointless anecdotes about my pet rats, I am teaching a course on SSH.
If you don’t have time to work your way through the SSH book, take a couple hours and and get dragged through it. The course will include material not included in the book, unless it goes too long, in which case I’ll spout off about extra material upon request.
The new FreeBSD Device Drivers book should be out by then, and the author will be there. (Pity poor Joe Kong. He came to BSDCan in 2007, just after his Designing BSD Rootkits came out. I spent the rest of the conference badgering him into writing the FreeBSD Device Drivers book. He spent five years on this project, and is done at long last. I’m sure he’s ready to shout “Ha! Lucas, I’m rid of your stupid project! I’m a free man!” Sadly for Joe, I have another three books he needs to write. Preferably immediately. If he resists my persuasive powers, I’m prepared to use brainwashing techniques.)
If you’re a reader of my blog, you need to go to BSDCan. We received so many excellent paper proposals this year that cutting the list down was physically painful. If you don’t yet have IPv6 up and running, attend the IPv6 tutorial. Or learn about PF. Not to mention two days of really interesting papers. And beer.