81: An Occasional Meal

Zeno’s Paradox of Book Endings is well in play for Project IDGAF. Only a couple scenes left, but damn if this book ain’t fighting me hard.

Thirty years of honorable service, and it all came down to a house he couldn’t take proper care of and a pension that didn’t quite cover his meals and a hippie granddaughter who liked the wrong kind of boy.

Of the three, Colonel Wittstock worried the most about his granddaughter Katie. Katrina to everyone else, but his love had been Katrina and he’d called her Katie and they were so much like one another that he couldn’t call her anything else.

Smart, she was. Smart like a flick knife. She’d had trouble at that fancy LA school so her dad had decided that Wittstock needed a caretaker. Sure, he forgot things sometimes, but missing an occasional meal hadn’t done him any harm serving in Asia and it wouldn’t hurt him now. You miss one day eating, you enjoy tomorrow’s meals that much more. The bills got paid, eventually. Thinking about it, though, he hadn’t seen a power bill in a while. Had Katie been poking in his mail? No, she didn’t have that much money. Maybe his meddling son had called the power company, told some stories. It was good for a son to help out his dad. He’d done the same. But Wittstock didn’t need that kind of help, even if he’d forgotten a few times.

This week’s episode brought to you by Patronizer JM who donated a really good mic to me. It came with a spit shield and everything!

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