I’m gonna finish this book. I’m gonna finish this book. It doesn’t matter how much life tries to stop me, I’m gonna finish this book…
One of the great problems of civilization is disposing of unwanted stuff. Nuclear power means nuclear waste, which remains toxic for tens of millennia and grants superpowers only to untraumatized, mentally stable people, of which there are zero. The obvious solution, of course, is “put it in the trash and make someone else deal with it,” which is our society’s go-to for everything. Instead, responsible folks treat nightmare toxins like they treat busted refrigerators and last week’s garbage; we bury it. Eventually we get an idea for a better place to bury it, so we dig it up and move it. Like a dog with a bone.
You don’t have to bury it. Most food waste you can compost, so long as your neighbors don’t mind the smell or the flies. What you can’t compost you can feed to the raccoons. They’ll love you for it at first, but will soon demand you eat more pork chops and leave more meat on the bones.
Bodies? Bodies are so much trouble to get rid of only because everybody gets weird about freelance disposal. Besides, there’s never a trespass-friendly pig farm around when you need one.
Only a few scenes left, but the ending keeps receding like Zeno’s Paragraph.
Also, we’re only a couple weeks from my next Kickstarter. I should probably mention it here.