58: Nuclear Waste with a Few Rubies

My time has mostly been Run Your Own Mail Server fulfillment, but I finally got Dear Abyss off to copyedit.

I have absolutely nothing against developers. Most—many—uh, quite a few of them are lovely human beings. I simply wish that they had dedicated their lives to something that might improve civilization, like volunteering to pick up trash by the roadside.

My problem is with code, not coders.

We treat computer code like a precious treasure worthy of hoarding, when in reality it’s like nuclear waste with a few rubies scattered in it. While every line that emerged from the CSRG is unalloyed platinum, most code repositories contain a whole bunch of barely functional spew supporting occasional scintillating scraps of brilliance. Some of those luminous lines are shackled into supporting the great threats dooming our civilization, like Facebook.

This book will go live on Kickstarter once I finish fulfilling RYOMS. I have to ship a thousand books, though, so it might be a while yet.

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