72: Arthritic Camels

Folks have asked me for hints about the Kickstarter I’m launching 1 April. Yes, it’s an April Fools’ book. Just like the Networknomicon, Ed Mastery, and the Savaged by Systemd audiobook. After many requests, I am capitulating and reading a bit of the project description. This is the only hint you will get before the project launches.

The book can be drop-shipped directly from printers in the UK, Australia, and the US. This shipping is cheap. Not merely cheap as in “inexpensive,” but cheap as in “crap.” Not as crap as this book, but crap. It’s not trackable. Postal services prioritize these packages beneath everything. Canada and the Netherlands are particularly slow. I suspect that the delivery logistics involve arthritic camels. I will have them copy you on the shipment notice so you know it’s left the printer, but the links in that mail are accessible to only me and any tracking numbers therein are unabashed lies. You’ll get it in 4-8 weeks, barring an outbreak of Rift Valley fever amongst the livestock.

Why not use the printer’s trackable shipping? Because for most of you, having me sign and ship is cheaper than having the printer do it. Seriously. The printer wants to ship cases of books, not single copies, and charges accordingly.

If you really want to know what this is, ask Kickstarter to notify you when the campaign launches, or sign up for my brand-new crowdfunding mailing list, or subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed. Or subscribe to this podcast, I’m sure I’ll read a bit of the book when it goes live. Assuming the book is written in a human-readable language, that is.