23: Bayseian Statistics and Fuzzy Hashes

I would love to finish this book before 2024. It’s not going to happen, but I would love to do it.

Redis is a database, but not in the way PostgreSQL or MySQL or sqlite or hash files or CSV files or Oracle are. While traditional databases prioritize getting data safely ensconced on the disk, Redis treats RAM as its primary data store. Redis has options for safely stashing data on the disk, including options that approach the reliability of traditional databases, but its primary aim is speed. Redis is a key-value store, not an SQL engine; you might think of it as a super-fast network-aware hash file. Almost every operating system has a suitable Redis package.

Rspamd uses Redis for long-term storage of Bayseian statistics and fuzzy hashes, as well as ephemera. It’s best to have a separate Redis instance for each function so that they can be managed appropriately.

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