Yep, Cisco Routers for the Desperate and Absolute FreeBSD are 50% off when you buy through No Starch Press’s O’Reilly distributor.
And other books. By other authors. Most of whom are more awesome than I am, so I’m not going to mention any names. Like Peter Hansteen. Or Joe Kong. Or Tom Limoncelli. Or Chris Sanders. Because they sure don’t need the press.
This is part of the EFF’s Day Against DRM. Use the code DRMFREE to get 50% off ebooks via O’Reilly.
Go to the O’Reilly site for all the details.
For the record, my tech books are all DRM-free. (I have one short story with DRM on Amazon. It was the first story I put up. Amazon doesn’t allow you to change your DRM choice without removing and republishing the title. And I have two good reviews on that story, which I would lose if I did so. So I’m stuck. But you can get that story DRM-free on other sites.)
And how do I feel about doing this as part of a “GNU promotion”? Despite what a lot of people think, I have no objections to the GPL. I think it’s morally inferior to the BSD license. Sharing with the condition that people share back is generous. A pure gift is even better, however.