43: A Truth Universally Acknowledged

This week’s text production is for the Run Your Own Mail Server Kickstarter. I’m also turning RYOMS into a four-hour class for BSDCan and getting into tech edits on same. But hey, at least I’m not falling back on reading an actual published work!

Running your own mail server is not only an act of defiance against some of the largest exploitative companies in history. It is not a mere education in protocols. Email is essential to modern industrial society. By running your own email, you seize control of your communications. You can tune your email to fit your needs, rather than accepting the defaults imposed by a company that exploits you without a speck of consideration for any of your issues. You own it. Running your own email requires only  freely available tools, a server, and some knowledge. This book will give you that knowledge.

The hard part of writing a book about a complicated technology isn’t the tech. It’s not even explaining how all the pieces fit together, although that’s extra challenging for email. It’s finding an overarching metaphor that fits the problem under discussion.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a nerd with fifteen projects underway and a day job must be in want of a self-managed mail server.

Great story! But not for this book.

The RYOMS Kickstarter goes live 20 May, runs for 20 days, and is the only way you can get a signed book outside a meatspace encounter.